
When personal problems are repetitive and pervade through life in definite patterns despite relieving distressing emotions, assisting in healthy coping and making lifestyle changes, therapy is necessary. Therapy is usually re-organizing personality to help one morph their current self into an ideal self to fulfil role expectations that are causing them distress. Therapy is curative more than it is preventive. Counselling and therapy can occur simultaneously in a session or through a therapeutic relationship depending on goals set by the client. Therapy can help increase the frequency of adaptive behaviours (exercise, assertive communication) or decrease maladaptive behaviours (procrastination, addiction). Therapy can bring about lifestyle changes. Therapy can facilitate reorienting interpersonal dynamics and family dynamics. Therapy can enhance one’s ability to confront a situation that they know is non-threatening but feel otherwise. Therapy can assist one in avoiding a situation that they know is threatening but find themself in repeatedly, unsure of why or how.

Therapy will be done over voice call, video call or instant messaging.
Book a free 20-minute consultation call to ensure that this service is what you are looking for.