Online chat support

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of people are either out of a jobs or on the verge of being out of jobs and simultaneously unable to afford therapy at a time when they need it the most. We have a cost-efficient plan where we put you in touch with one of our therapists. They will support you through the month via text. You get to tell them about your problems, your difficulties, your thoughts, your emotions, your addictions, your interpersonal conflicts… anything. They will respond at least twice within 24 hours. They will ask you reflective questions, offer suggestions and psychoeducation to deepen your understanding of your situation. This can give you a broadened perspective on your situation, which will promote enhanced coping. You will have a place to vent about just anything. A trusted professional who can help you understand your self and your environment.

Book a free 20-minute consultation call to ensure that this service is what you are looking for.