
There are some people in a sated place in life feeling that neither them nor their lifestyle is deficient in any manner and are overall feeling okay i.e. in congruence with their sense of self and lifestyle. Such people tend to feel a lack of drive, challenge and purpose from merely existing. They tend to trudge on autopilot and it evokes in them a general malaise and feeling of emptiness. Life is too easy to get by, and its placidity makes it underwhelming. Such people tend to gravitate towards growth needs, i.e. enhancing self-esteem and self-actualizing.

Self-esteem needs urges one to improve themselves and grow as people. They create ideals in their mind and hope to morph into these ideals. However, embodying these ideals is not a necessity because they are okay with who they are. Regardless, to add some novelty to their lives along with challenge, purpose and meaning, they seek out new goals that are self-directed to improve themselves. In this process, there are intrapersonal conflicts and intrapersonal barriers which they can explore and eradicate via assisted self-exploration.

Then there are people who are curious about themselves and life. Such people tend to have a philosophical bent and are grappling with existential questions such as “What is the point of living?” and “How did I get here?” and “Is this really what I want” and “What is my true purpose in life?” and “Who am I?” There is a natural inclination to inner inquiry, and they seek assistance and companionship to journey within. They gravitate towards self-exploration and want to heighten their self-understanding yet they are inhibited by blindspots and self-serving biases. They could also benefit from one of our psychologists and therapists to progress gracefully on their journey.

Self-development consultations will be done
over voice call, video call or instant messaging.

Book a free 20-minute consultation call to ensure that this service is what you are looking for.