Our Philosophy

Hurt people hurt people. Blindspots in the unconscious, self-ignorance and other-ignorance make us hurt ourselves and others. When such information is brought to the conscious mind, an individual is empowered to make responsive decisions rather than reactive decisions. As societies becomes more and more capitalist, it creates sensation seekers and esteem seekers that tend to prioritize pleasure over positive emotions and self-image preservation over self-actualization, respectively. Through such conditioning, man loses his ability to make rational decisions. Rationality is the ability to make decisions where rewards outweigh risks and benefits outweigh costs. Sensation seekers and esteem seekers tend to prioritize short-term thinking over long-term thinking. What is needed now is to reverse this destructive trend through cultivating insight seekers. Metacognition is the gateway to mindfulness. Metacognition is thinking about thinking. A person who is able to do this from a critical emotional distance automatically feels less intensely and can see a wide array of options available to them. Empowerment comes from options. Flexibility of thought is necessary to roll with the incidental punches of the non-linearity of life. Such breadth and depth of understanding of oneself, others and life is best attained via inner inquiry.